Dalkeith Palace |
All settled in here in Scotland. Slept for the first time last night in 30 hours so it was very nice. The plane ride wasn't bad, but it wasn't the most comfortable I've ever been. Can't believe I'm actually here, I'm so used to just dreaming of seeing a place like this and drooling over pictures it doesn't seem real that I am finally here. Everything is so green and it's odd because it's January and I'm used to tons of snow everywhere. We went out to breakfast this morning and I had eggs on toast and a milk. Their milk tastes different, but not bad. It was funny trying to figure out how to pay we had to watch people so we knew what to do and whether to leave a tip or not. All the people are very nice and I just love hearing them talk. The currency is going to take me awhile to figure out how to use right. This morning we explored around Dalkeith and the estate. It was beautiful and the scenery is to die for. They drive very fast and whip around everywhere we rode in a taxi and I felt like I was going to get whiplash. We haven't figured out crossing the streets yet because here pedestrians don't have the right away so people don't stop to let you cross like in the states. Makes for an interesting adventure.
Street in Dalkeith |
I love the cobblestone paths that are everywhere in town it looks like something out of a movie. Tonight orientation begins and tomorrow we go into Edinburgh to explore and see the castle.The house is beautiful and very historic, but also a little creepy as well. I am getting used to it though, but it doesn't help when the are legends of it being haunted. The accents here are amazing, but some people have a thicker accent than others and its harder to understand especially when they speak so fast. I'll get used to it though I'm sure. Being in Edinburgh the next three days should be fun I want to see all of the sites, go to the zoo, and ride the double decker buses as well! I can't wait to go to London in a couple of weeks and explore that as well, and ride the London Eye of course. We will see the Harry Potter studios and a play as well plus have time to explore on our own. Hope all is well back in the states, I'm missing everyone! More adventures to come.
<3 Morgan
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