Crazy isn't is? I come home on Friday, after 3 and 1/2 months of being away. Time just flew right on by me, but I feel like it's been ages since I've seen you. Where do I even begin? Thank you. Thank you for all the love and support you have given me throughout my life and during this wonderful journey I have been on this semester. It has meant more to me than I could ever express with words. You've supported my wanderlust filled soul since I first realized there were roads that would take me anywhere I wanted to go in the world. You have been my biggest fans and always encouraging me to study abroad since I was a junior in high school and through this entire time of being in a land far from home. Look where I am? I did it. I finally achieved my forever dream. I've studied abroad, made the best of memories, and have seen places I have only ever dreamed of seeing. Katie I remember always looking through pictures of the world and making plans for all the places we wanted to see in the world, never really knowing if we ever would. You're my best friend and I am so glad you could be a part of my journey and I could show you my life in a different country. You have always pushed and applauded me and I can't tell you how happy it makes me to have you be proud of me or that I've helped you realize you can achieve your dreams. I've always wanted to inspire people. This experience has made me realize how many opportunities are out there and how much the world has to offer. Be crazy, take chances, and do things for yourself. If you want to move to Seattle? You know what, move to Seattle. Go off and experience something amazing, Don't be afraid to leave home, you can always come back. Mom I have always wanted to follow in your footsteps since I was a little girl. All the stories you used to tell me of your travels with your girlfriends only heightened my curiosity of the unknown, what the world has to offer me. Even though I joke about how I am turning into my mother sometimes, I really couldn't be prouder. How blessed and what an honor it would be to even become a fraction of the woman you are. Your compassion and your kindness make me want to be a better person. No matter how old I get you'll always be my Mom, the person I need, want, and call when I get sick, am feeling sad, or have the best news and I just need to tell someone. Dad, even though I know you would rather have me locked in the basement than in a different country I appreciate the fact that you set that aside and support my dreams and ambitions. If it eases your nerves, I promise to never go to Africa or the Middle East. You've taught me to work hard for the things I want in life because no one else is going to do it for you. There is no one I know in life who has worked harder for what they have than you. No matter what happens you'll always be the best guy I know and look up to. No one can ever replace your spot in my heart. I thank the three of you for giving me something I can never repay you for, myself. I found myself you see and I didn't even know I was lost to being with. This experience has helped me see that awkward, weird, and loving person that I am. I have realized that I am great just the way I am and there are people out there who are going to love me for me and the rest of them don't even matter. It has helped me see the type of person I am and the one I want to continue to grow into. I want to take every opportunity that is presented to me and experience what it can give me. This trip has given me a tremendous amount of joy and has made me feel alive in a way I have never felt before. I feel like I got stuck in routine in the past and I wasn't really living. I have laughed so much these past 3 and 1/2 months and I have realized how good it makes me feel, and how all my days for the rest of forever should be filled with laughter. I never want to stop traveling in my life, I never want to stop gaining new experiences but I can promise you one thing, I will always come home. Home to me will always be small town Iowa, down an old dirt road, where the wind whistles through the big oak trees. Home is where the heart is and it will always be with you three. No matter where I go or what I see in this world I will always be counting the days until I see you three again. So thank you. Thank you for giving me the world, letting me get the chance to make amazing memories in a land far away from home, giving me the opportunity to make lifelong friends, and most importantly, for helping me meet myself. I owe everything I do in my lifetime to you and I hope more than anything I have made you proud. I miss and love you. See you soon.

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