Laughter. A verb. An eight letter word. It's so simple, but yet it's something so huge that makes you feel so good inside. There's nothing else like it. As humans I feel like we often take for granted how much of a blessing it is to just be able to laugh, to feel happy, and to be surrounded by the people we love, who make our hearts a little lighter.
We're a unique trio. |
I was thinking today how much I laugh a day here, it's a ridiculous amount and it makes me feel so good, so content. When I am with my friends we can simply be sitting at the dinner table and be about rolling on the floor laughing about the simplest things. It's made me realize how laughter is one of the most important things you can have in life. Not only to laugh in general, but to be able to laugh at yourself. That's something my mother taught me and it's honestly one of the best lessons I think I've ever learned, even if I didn't know it at the time. This weekend was one that didn't lack in laughter that's for sure. Friday night a group of us went to the rugby game Edinburgh vs. Ospreys. I had never been to a rugby game before and now I don't know why I haven't been going to more at Platteville. Rugby is an amazing sport and it takes a lot of strength. I think you have to be just a little bit crazy too, to
Kyra and myself at Rugby. Roomie love. |
willingly throw your body into someone else's or dive into a tackle with no pads on to protect yourself. It's a much tougher sport than American Football. I loved the atmoshphere of being at a rugby game and cheering on the team. Before the game a lot of people gather in the clubhouse and eat and drink. We stood in the standing section and all the people around us were so fun. These women in front of us were yelling so loud and before I knew it we were doing the same even if I didn't know what was going on most of the time, I understood the main concept. Riley and Kyra are great girls and I love them to death. There is never a dull moment with them and we were being a little crazy at the rugby game. On Saturday we got up early and boarded the train to go to see Stirling Castle. It was really worth the 10 pound train ride. It was absolutely beautiful, historic, and of course had an amazing view of the country side. It was fascinating and such an honor to be where William Wallace stood and fought for his country's independence and won the battle against the English. The castles architecture was phenomenal and part of it was yellow. People say that on a foggy day from down below it looks like a floating gold castle. Even though the hike to the castle was quite strenuous, my calves will probably hurt for a week, the view at the top was worth the struggle.
View at Stirling |
When we got back to Edinburgh we went to get some lunch and I tried a veggie burger. I thought it was so delicious, I am a new developed fan. This morning we had to go to a dance festival help at the Uni in Edinburgh. We went to watch some seminars and evaluate which we have to write a paper about. We watched something called Dance Libre which is Spanish dancing, Irish Set dance, and a huge Ceilidh. All of them were very interesting and it was so neat to see all these people getting together through all walks of life to dance, a language that is universal to all. When we were watching the Irish Set Dance they needed an extra girl so Riley volunteered herself. Kyra and I had a ball laughing hysterically while we watched her dance for an hour. Her facial
Stirling Castle |
expressions were priceless and a kilted man was flinging her around the dance floor, she looked quite scared. Meanwhile when we weren't laughing Kyra and I were taking bets on the probability of weather or not the man in the kilt was wearing underwear or not (most times it's tradition not too). Seems like it'd be a bit breezy to me. Seeing so many people at the Ceilidh, dancing to some beautiful traditional Scottish folk music, was truly admirable. Riley, Kyra, and I decided to leave to head back home and just as we were coming out of the building we saw our bus up the road coming soon. We took off running down the sidewalk to get to the next bus stop to catch it. We were dodging people and laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. We caught it though! Moment of triumph! The thing with buses here is on Sundays they only stop every hour so if we had missed that
Just trying on some proper castle clothing. |
one we would have had to wait another hour and we weren't having that. I have truly met some of the most amazing people here in Scotland. Not only the locals, but people in the house that have become some of my closest friends, that I can return to the states with. This program makes you find some of your best friends and some truly great people who have been living so close to your whole life, but just now had the opportunity to meet. You may think what's so great about running for a bus how is that such an amazing moment? It's moments like these that I was truly happy and it's simple moments like these I don't want to forget. Moments like these that made me feel so alive, so free, and so full of laughter.
Field at the Rugby Game. |
Beautiful view at Stirling. |
Kyra took this. Riley and I's reaction to a bee. I love it. |
This trip has made me become a simple person. It has made me realize making mistakes is okay and to just enjoy the adventure of getting lost. It has outlined aspects in life that I never knew I was so lucky to have, like laughter. I hope you all have some laughter in your day and remember, cherish it.