Riley, Kyra, Lauren and I all on a twin sized bed. Slumber party! |
It's crazy how in just 6 short weeks time I went from not knowing a single soul I was living with in a big old haunted palace, to having people that fill my heart in a way it hasn't before. This experience has given me my best friends, my second family, and my soul mates. I expected for this experience to change my life, but I never knew how much it truly would. I didn't know that it would take traveling to Scotland to find three girls who were meant to be my best friends, that have only been living three hours away from me all this time. They say your soul mate is suppose to be the person you marry, and maybe that's true I can't say, but I also think you can have more than one. To me a soul mate can be anyone who touches your life in a way you thought was unimaginable. Every day I have gotten to spend with these three has been a blessing and I can't imagine life without them now. Our friendship is a constant state of adventures, laughter, and just being ourselves. I know I could go to these three for anything and they would do anything for me in return. This week we played Sardines in the house with 23 people and it was so much fun. Running through a dark haunted house at night searching for people, what doesn't sound fun about that? After Kyra, Lauren and I went an jumped on Riley's bed to see how she was coming along with a paper. We had a big slumber party on Riley's twin size bed and it was the best time just laughing our butts off about the dumbest stories, we were very hyper. I truly believe that everyone you meet crosses your path for a reason, some are meant to stay and some are meant to go. I think I have been given these three as forever friends and as people who help me grow into the person I'm supposed to be. They except me for who I am and I for them Our group is a little like this, I am the awkward clumsy one who provides comic relief with my awkwardness, Lauren is the sweetest girl on the face of the earth who always gets the giggles when she drinks, Kyra is the rational smart ass with a knockout attitude, and Riley is what as I would refer to as the class clown. Together we make a dynamo group and it's always a good time. You can bet there will always be nonstop laughter when we're together. This week was another busy one at the house. On Tuesday night I went to eat dinner and have tea at my host family's house. It was a fun night and they enjoyed their gift I gave them, some of my grandfathers arrowheads in a shadow box, something that's truly from the United States. My host mother Rachel has owls all over their house so I was thinking it would be a good gift to give them when I leave as a thank you for all they have done and taught me in my time here.
My host parents Michael and Rachel Wilson. |
I really think I'm growing on Henry. He's such a crazy and funny man. I begged him to make me grilled cheese and tomato soup because I was really missing it and he did! Then the other day I begged him to make chocolate cake again and he said, "oh no no I won't make it for you". I even played the early birthday card and he's said, "no no I can't show favoritism". So I walk into dinner the next night and what do I see on the desert table? Chocolate cake! Henry just smirked at me while I gave him crap that he must love me. On Thursday night we had a quiz night in the house with our host families and it was a fun night. I have the sweetest host parents and I love talking with them. I feel like I can and do learn so much from them about the country they have so much pride in, their home. On Friday we had the Highland games. I did the Haggis Malt Challenge, Tire Roll, and Maise Leise. The haggis one was similar to some sort of bowling and the Maise Leise was sort of like tug of war with a pole. I did the tire roll with Kaiti and Tyler. I ran into a bush. No surprises there though I'm always the klutz. My clan Wallace won after a lot of teamwork. We painted our faces (I felt a bit like William Wallace screaming freedom with a painted face) and had Scottish music playing, it was quite the tradition. I enjoy learning about Scottish traditions and the country's history. Everyone in the house is fun and it's going to be odd not living in a house with all of them surrounding me next semester. There are so many differing personalities and it makes the house what it is.
Tire roll |
Assistant Director Trevor, Lauren, and I |
My ladies. We've got our game faces on! |
Ready to rumble! Riley and I |
Maise Leise |
On Friday night we went to Whistle Binkies to see a Stones tribute band. It was a fun time and we danced to the music. Riley is the biggest Stones fan so she was in heaven and basically on the stage dancing and singing. We had to reign her back a few times. Today we went to Potobello beach. Just when I think I am getting used to Scotland, it surprises me with more beauty that I haven't seen before. Seeing a land so full of beauty really makes you think there is a god because an artist had to have crafted something this breathtaking. It also makes me have a greater appreciation for my home in the United States as well and how blessed I was to grow up there. I don't know how I'll go about leaving a place I consider my second home and a group of girls who have become my family away from home. 3 and 1/2 months seems like such a long time, but it is flying by so fast I can hardly keep up. I get exhausted because I just want to fully immerse my self in every single thing there is and I throw myself into ever experience I can get while I am here.
Going out to the pubs with the girls. |
"I think we all deserve people who really, really love us."
Portobello Beach |
The beautiful Portobello Beach. Only a 15 minute drive from my house. |
I know that after my sister gets here and spring break has arrived time will go even faster. Once we get back from spring break I will only have one month and nine days left. Breaks my heart, but makes me excited to see my mom and dad. This week Lauren and I booked our trip to Ireland for a weekend. We are doing a Paddy Wagon tour that will take us to all the main spots in Ireland. I am very excited for that adventure as well. Tonight is Saint Patrick's Day so we are going to go out and see what it' s like here in the pubs! Crazy I'm sure, but it will be fun. Still living it up in Scotland, the experience gets better day after day. I don't know if anything will ever compare to this experience, to the feeling I get from travel in general. It's such an indescribable feeling and you don't understand it until you feel it for yourself. Missing everyone at home. Lots of Love.
P.S. I have finally tried haggis. It's very tender and it tastes something like sausage, but more mushy with a lamb after taste. It is not for me, to many flavors and textures going on at once.
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