Chef Henry and I |
I could not have asked for more beautiful weather this last week in Scotland. It didn't rain the whole week and that's rare being that it normally rains at least once a day here, even if it's just for a couple of minutes. Another shocking realization hit today, I have 18 short days left here in this beautiful country with some amazing friends! However 18 days also means the time until I board a plane and see home. 18 days until I see my friends and family whom I love and miss dearly. To sum up this last week lets start with Henry's chocolate making class on Tuesday night. Henry taught a group of us how to make different chocolates and fillings. I worked on a giant
Chef's in the making. Riley and I. |
chocolate egg most of the night, but sadly it ended tragically and my egg is no longer with us. I made two halves to the egg and Henry told me to glue them together using the chocolate on the stove. I put the chocolate on and it started melting my chocolate egg and it broke into pieces in my hands, so to comfort myself about the loss I ate it. Henry them taught us how to make swans out of apples and melons. Riley and I had a fun night, but I ate way to much sugar. I also went on a nature walk around the estate with a group of people and Cameron, the man who looks over the estate grounds. He showed up an area on the estate where you can still see trenches that were from World War I. He told us that during the war 30,000 men were slaughtered and buried on the grounds and that they still run into graves frequently. They leave the bodies where they lay and go on about their business. One more reason of why I love this estate and how much history lies in the area. Also another reason to add to why this place is so haunted. Patty our Resident Director and her wife Nat hosted a crisp(chip) night in their flat this week as well, the only area in the palace I had not seen. Crisps here come in all sorts of unique flavors, so they bought a ton along with some drinks. We all sat around visiting and munching. They also have one of the most famous and beautiful fire places in their flat. It was made by a famous woodworker that only ever worked with marble when he made this fire place.
Beautiful fireplace |
It was a nice break away from writing papers because that has been a huge part of this last week. I am proud to say however that I have the rest of one paper to finish standing between me and the end of the semester. Yay! Kyra and I decided to get oout of the house on Friday and take a walk around the estate and around the river. I was wearing shorts and although I know it's not nearly as warm as back home, that's still really warm for Scotland! After our walk I went to Blacksmith's with Riley and ate dinner. I am pretty sure the staff just knows our orders without even having to ask, we go in there a ridiculous amount. We sat there for 3 hours just talking. I am going to miss my friends so much when we leave and it will be one of the most difficult things to let go of, but it's also heart-warming to know I have made life long friends from this experience and my time here. On Saturday Kyra and I went to North Berwick Beach. It was absolutely stunning and we walked around for 3 hours. Things are winding down here at the palace and everyone is getting anxious to go home, but sad
Walking on the estate. |
to leave at the same time. We have our big group trip to the Highlands this weekend and I cannot wait. Everyone I have talked to says the Highlands was their favorite part of Scotland and it is absolutely beautiful. I have seen pictures and I just can't wait to see it with my own eyes, breath the air, and step foot in the beauty. My last weekend over seas will consist of going to Ireland with my friend and roommate Lauren. We will be doing a tour and seeing all the big tourist spots and I am most excited for the Cliffs of Moher and to here the song Galway Girl played in an Irish Pub. That song melts my heart every time. Gosh here I am already talking about my last weekends here, time has just whizzed by. It was so strange to not be home celebrating Easter with my family. At the end of the day family is the most important thing in my life and they have and will be there to support me through everything I do in life. I got to Skype them, so it was nice to see them on the
North Berwick Beach |
holiday. Over the weekend there was a horse show on the estate. I felt right at home with all the horses and trailers in the area. It reminded me of summer and how much I can't wait to go to shows with my Dad this summer or to just simply ride my horse down that old dirt road again. You never realize the simple things you'll miss when you're gone like your Mom's home cooked meals, the smell of home, or the way the grass rustles in the warm spring air. Being in Scotland has made me see a part of the world I hadn't before and showed me a side of myself I never knew either. This trip helped me in so many ways I never knew it would or could. I just love this feeling Scotland has given me of life. From this point on I plan to take ever opportunity presented to me that will help me grow as a person. It makes me see that dreams and goals are obtainable with
Kyra and I at North Berwick Beach. |
enough hard work and determination. I cannot wait to see my family on the day I fly into Cedar Rapids Airport, but at the same time I will be sad to leave my little family I have made here in this land I love. It's heartbreaking to think I might ever return to this country, but reassuring knowing I've been here and got everything I wanted from the experience. It's crazy to think that only a week later 5 new girls who are complete strangers to one another will be arriving in Scotland, lugging their suitcase up the stairs, and opening the door to what was once our room, but will then be theirs for the summer. They will begin this journey being unsure of what the next few months will hold just like we did all those weeks ago. They will make their own memories here, find their best friends, and find themselves through this experience. It's not quite time to pass on the torch to them yet, but I hope they let this journey change their lives like it has forever changed mine. It will be a very emotional filled day, but reassuring knowing I will be truly going home. They always say home is where the heart is and I believe this is true. Even though life takes us on all this different paths, love will always lead us home. As to my friends and family I miss you all so much and am thinking of you daily. I will see you all very soon and I can't wait to have an amazing summer back in Iowa! Much love.
I'll really miss these beautiful skies in Scotland, where the day meets the night. |
These four will always be my second family, the people I saw the world with, and my soul mates. We were quadrupling last night. |
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