The Palace |
It was a rainy, windy and cold day in Edinburgh today but then this afternoon the sun came out for the first time since I've been here. The beauty of the palace will never cease to amaze me. It's crazy thinking parts of the palace are still original parts of the 12th century castle that was here. The woodwork and marble in the castle are all original parts from the castle. I always wonder all of the people that have stood where I have stood in the castle and slept in the room I sleep in. So much history lies here in this beautiful palace and estate I call my home. There are rumors that the Palace is haunted, but I haven't had any occurrences. I honestly think it's an old myth carried on by students. At first the castle was a bit creepy to me its very roomy and spacious and it's so old. I have gotten used to it though and it's become my home away from home. I love living with my friends and only being a short walk away from Dalkeith, but getting on the estate and feeling like I'm in the country. On the estate there is a place where people board their horses and there are also llamas. It's makes this place feel more like home being around animals. I am getting better at understanding the accent. Today we had a speaker and we learned about pub etiquette. I feel a lot better and more sure of myself that I will fit in. Some people in the castle have gone out every night this week and come back plastered and are hungover. If that's the only reason you spent 10,000 dollars to come to Scotland to drink like you do every weekend in the states then I think you need to reevaluate your priorities. Your in a different country for gosh sake! Plus when you act like that, are loud, and in big groups the locals automatically know you're American. I want to fit in with the locals and not be irritating to them. I guess it might just be my own personal preference. Anna, Riley, and I explored the palace last night. We found passages we didn't know existed in this place and my favorite was the spiral staircases! They do make me dizzy though. I have been looking up flights to Ireland for when Katie comes to stay in March, we were thinking it's somewhere we'd like to go. Tomorrow we are doing the Amazing Race through Edinburgh with the clans we were assigned. Mine is "Wallace" and I think we should do pretty well!
The Duke and I |
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