The Orangerie |
Today I got to explore more of the grounds on the estate a bit. It's so beautiful and I found the animals! There are horses, cows, a very friendly donkey, sheep, and llamas on the estate grounds. The donkey followed me along the fence line as I walked! He kept trying to eat my jacket. There is also another bridge on the estate and a beautiful piece of architecture called The Orangearie. It said it was built as the focal part of the garden. It is for sure something that you can't miss. It is a very alluring building and very historic looking as well. One of my favorite things about not only the estate, but Scotland in general how every building, monument, path, and structure has so many stories to tell from the past, from other lives. It's such an inspiring and charismatic place. I can see why some people come here and never want to leave. I already know it's going to be so hard to say goodbye to this land in 3 short months. I will never tire of walking down these paths lined with cobblestone and hedge fences. Green grass in Scotland is so much more vibrant than green grass in the states, I love the dreary feeling of this country. The air here also feels so fresh and not contaminated. Sometimes I feel like this is all a dream and it isn't really happening like I'm not really seeing this country with my own eyes because for so long traveling to lands of the unknown was just a dream. Feels like just yesterday I was applying for this opportunity and now a year later I'm here. It amazes me how much beauty can be packed into one place. I have one more class today and then it's officially my weekend. I feel so much more inspired to learn in a place like Scotland. Not only do I learn in my daily classes, but I learn something every second I spend here, even by just walking into town.
Donkey! |
Being in a place like Scotland makes you see things in life like you never have before. I think traveling is something everyone should experience even just doing it alone where you no no one it almost makes it more worthwhile. I know when I leave Dalkeith I will leave with have making friends out of people who started of as strangers in 3 months time. So many of my friendships here have started with, "wait no way you too?". Every night my roommates Kyra, Lauren, Hannah, Karina, and I talk about our days and it's nice to bond with them and here stories about where they come from. Last night we signed up for the Highland Games. Its an event the faculty board puts on for us and we compete in our clans. It sounds like it is going to be a fun time, but it;s not till April. Everyone is figuring out what they want to do for spring break. Katie is coming over for spring break and I think we are going to go to Ireland together. I can't wait for that and to see my sister, my other half. She's always wanted to see places like this with me, so I am glad I can show her a little of Scotland before we go to Ireland. It's crazy how much your siblings are your worst enemy when you're little and then somewhere along the way they turn into your best friend who you would do anything for.
Another Bridge on the estate.
Of course today begins the Olympics, I wouldn't forget that! I am watching it as I write this. This is the first year the Olympics has been on and I haven't watched it with my family. 10 hour Olympic marathons on the couch with Katie? Yeah I'll definitely miss that this season. It's been tradition to watch them together every year, but I guess coming to Scotland was worth giving it up for this year. Watching it from the British perspective is a lot different from back home in the states. To me it's not as emotional like they make the Olympics on TV in the U.S.A. with all the life stories of the athletes. They also don't highlight the American athletes as much either since they are British. At least I can still watch to find out who wins though! U.S.A. ALL THE WAY. I'm glad their is some other Olympic junkies in the house as well!
Highland Cow |
Tomorrow we go to Cramon Island. Its a tidal Island so it's only above the water when the tide is out. It should be cool to see and I'm excited to go into Edinburgh again as well. Two days and I meet my host family. I am getting nervous. I hope they like me and I like them. It would be amazing to have a second family in a different country that I stayed close too. I could learn so much more about the culture from them and see more of Scotland. Missing everyone back home.
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